i just ordered my first japanese sewing book! the first in japanese, that is - i have several translated books but this is my first crack at deciphering a pattern without the advantage of a language i'm familiar with... it's the
pochee special boys and girls clothes from

my theory - and let's see if this actually holds water - is that since i'm not a pattern-reader but am a visual learner i should be able to figure it out based on the pictures. we'll see about that! ;-)
i can't wait to see it in person. oh, so many little bits of clothing to make for cole and our various other baby friends.
i bought a japanese knitting book and amugurami book in richmond last year and tried to decipher it.. the scarf turned out, the amugurami doll i had to give up on.. sigh.
hope you can figure it out!
I've had my eye on one that has an adorable little girl's pinafore in it. Your experience with this one may be the deciding factor in whether I go for it or not. Keep us posted!
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