Wednesday, September 28, 2011

inspiring: portland

earlier this summer we traveled to portland, oregon. for me, it was the first time. and then the second time in rapid succession. this city is everything i had hoped! inspiring, creative, small yet personal, full of foodie goodness and crafty love. i would live here in a heartbeat, and in terms of vancouver pricing we could probably afford it without selling major organs or winning the lottery! alas, for now, my love must be captured in a few meager photos.




my favourites? in no particular order: powell's books | ruby j ice cream | the tin shed | pambiche | little big burger | mcmenamins kennedy school | townshends tea | flutterthe doug fir | the florida room | ken's artisan pizza | king burrito | bolt | stars antique | skidmore bluffs | the lowbrow loungeportland farmer's market | voodoo donuts | the waterfalls. so much more too! vintage & yard sales, food at every turn, outdoor spaces and people and everything you could imagine. i hope to go back this fall. really, try to keep me away...

for those who wish to go (or go again!) check out the rad city guides from lotus events. they were key for me in finding nooks and crannies. also, tips from everybody loves sandwiches were top-notch sure-fire too! i'm sure most of my recommendations were originally from each of these places!


Kim Baise said...

wonderful pics!!!
portland is the coolest city. i love to visit powell books when i'm there

Mom said...

Sound like Portland would be fun place to see! Your Dad says, "You should be a photojournalist!...your photos are great! have quite an eye!!" and I think so too!


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